per-input-resolution scanline settings?


New member
I just got my ps1digital up and running last week and I'm blown away by it. I'm really pleased with the scanline implementation, except that it displays scanlines regardless of input resolution. I wouldn't really expect to see them (or at least not at the same strength) on interlaced content as I would on progressive content. I've been having a blast playing gran turismo, but getting the scanlines looking just right in the races means the text-heavy menus (like the car info screens) don't look like I remember and are less legible than they should be. On a real crt there wouldn't be blanked lines for that interlaced content me right? Or maybe if there wasa gap, it would be much narrower? I feel like I can get the scanlines looking good for either gameplay, or menus, but not both. I'd love per-resolution settings like what is on the carby for gamecube. If there's a way to do that and I've missed it, let me know!

The bigger caveat here is that I haven't played games on a crt in at least 15 years, so my expectations could be way off!