Just finished an install. System powered on and passed all the tests. Picture seemed fine, booted up just fine a couple times.
Went to change the WiFi information so that I could connect to my home WiFi and update the firmware. After changing the WiFi settings I clicked to restart the console and the screen went blank. Power-cycled the DC but there is no picture. I can see the DCHDMI putting out a WiFi signal, and confirmed that it connects to my home WiFi, but I still get no picture.
Any thoughts?
Went to change the WiFi information so that I could connect to my home WiFi and update the firmware. After changing the WiFi settings I clicked to restart the console and the screen went blank. Power-cycled the DC but there is no picture. I can see the DCHDMI putting out a WiFi signal, and confirmed that it connects to my home WiFi, but I still get no picture.
Any thoughts?